Google Analytics Latest Version 1.0


Google Analytics App for Unbounce lets you instantly see how your website performs. See which landing pages are performing best, which traffic sources are bringing the most conversions and what devices your visitors are using to browse your site.

Get a full breakdown of how people are interacting with your website. See which pages they're viewing and which ads they're clicking on. Even better, you can create conversion funnels to get an even deeper understanding of where leads come from in your marketing efforts.


Get more data on your traffic.

Using Google Analytics allows you to see so much more about your traffic, including geographic region, device type, time spent on page, and more.

Track conversions back to Google Analytics.

The App will automatically track all button clicks and form submissions on your landing page to your Google Analytics account.

Stop digging for your Google Analytics script.

All you need to install this app is your Google Analytics ID. Just put that into the App and we'll do the rest.

App Partner Program

The Unbounce App Partner Program is now open for early access! If your company is interested in building an app and getting listed in our apps directory, we'd love to have you on board. As a member of the program, you'll get access to the Unbounce SDK Beta and support from our team. We can't wait to work with you!